The Worst ways to Multitask for Weight Loss

I am going to help you out today! There are always articles online about ‘how to lose weight by xyz’ or ‘tips to squeeze in a workout’… well, today we’re talking about the worst ways to multitask for weight loss.

1. Taking a walk with your friends…
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How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. هذا يشمل:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Lunge – ideal
Lateral Lunge – left

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0 seconds of 3 minutes, 9 seconds

يوم تدريب الماراثون 4


to the donut shop.

2. going to yoga and taking a nap during Savasana (and/or taking child’s post 3/4 of the class).

Mostly because it’s embarrassing when the instructor wakes you up for snoring.

3. throwing down the weights while strength training to save the time of setting them down.

4. going to get ice cream after your weigh in.

Okay, maybe this one is actually genius.

And I feel like I’ve done it lots of times.

5. Planking while eating.

I’ve tried it and it’s no bueno.

Question: Do you have any of the worst recommendations for weight loss or getting fit?

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